To Will and to Do
the Manifestations of the Holy Spirit

Living Abundantly 
According to God's Word Series

Read time: 9 minutes

John 14
:12  Verily, verily, I say unto you,
        He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;
        and greater works than these shall he do;
            because I go unto my Father.

Jesus Christ always did the Father's will. The words that he spoke were what God would have him say. What Jesus Christ did was what God would have him do. To walk powerfully as Jesus Christ did we need to learn from what Jesus Christ spoke and did.

Matthew 8
:2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying,
        Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
:3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying,
        I will; be thou clean.
    And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

There are principles present in the healings that Jesus Christ and the believers in Acts adhered to. God has given us the power to utilize all nine manifestations: speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, operation of faith, miracles, and gifts of healings. We have the ability to utilize them all, however many of us are not consistently reaching into our tool box and effectively using/manifesting what God has given us.

Some of the reasons why we are not manifesting the holy spirit fully in the area of believing, miracles, and gifts of healings could be due to incorrect instruction or no instruction.

  • As soon as we are born again we are filled with the power of God and able to perform all nine manifestations. As soon as a person is born again they need to be instructed to immediately speak in tongues and be taught how to evidence all of the manifestations.
  • Many of us have not understood that all manifestations are operated with the same principle as speaking in tongues; that is, we do the speaking as well as healing. God has given us the power to perform His will.
  • We also see in the many examples of healings in the Gospels and Acts that the one who needed deliverance must desire strongly to be healed and make the effort to come to the one ministering.

With regards to casting out devils, we have not been convinced of God's Word in this matter.

  • We must recognize and know that devils are truly under our feet and they have to obey us.
  • We must realize that devils are afraid of us; we have God's glorious power as well as the authority and presence of God and His angels and they recognize that.
  • We must teach our people that as soon as they are born again they have the power and authority of God.
  • Discerning of spirits and then casting out devils is operated the same as speaking in tongues, you ask God for instruction and you speak to cast out the devils.
  • It is also necessary that the one who desires to be delivered of a devil or devils must earnestly desire deliverance and come to the one ministering. Sometimes they are unaware that they are affected by devil spirits but have come for deliverance.

 It is vitally important to recognize that it is you who does the speaking in tongues, it is you who do the healing. God is not doing it. He gave you free will and He gave you the ability to perform His Word.

Acts 2
:4  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,
    and began to speak with other tongues,
    as the Spirit gave them utterance.

They began to speak as God gave them words to speak via the holy spirit within them. They opened their mouths and began to speak. This principle is true with healing; you begin to heal. When you desire and decide to heal and you begin to heal someone the spirit of God in you imparts healing at that same instant.

Why would you want to heal someone?

This is a very important question. Why did Jesus Christ deliver people from the sicknesses, diseases, and afflictions? He even raised a mother's son from the dead for this reason, compassion. Jesus Christ had compassion for the people.

Matthew 14
:14  And Jesus went forth,
    and saw a great multitude,
    and was moved with compassion toward them,
    and he healed their sick.

Jesus wasn't healing people for self glorification; he was the greatest example of the love of God in action. Compassion is much greater than just feeling sorry for people. It is the impetus,  the driving force, to get involved; it is the great depth of the love of God in action. Jesus Christ gave us a great example of compassion.

Luke 10
:29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus,
        And who is my neighbour?
:30 And Jesus answering said,
        A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves,
            which stripped him of his raiment,
            and wounded him,
            and departed, leaving him half dead.
:31   And by chance there came down a certain priest that way:
            and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
:32   And likewise a Levite,
            when he was at the place,
        came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
:33   But a certain Samaritan,
            as he journeyed,
        came where he was:
        and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
:34  And went to him, and bound up his wounds,
            pouring in oil and wine,
            and set him on his own beast,
            and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
:35   And on the morrow when he departed,
        he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him,
            Take care of him;
            and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
:36 Which now of these three,
        thinkest thou,
    was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
:37 And he said,
        He that shewed mercy on him.
    Then said Jesus unto him,
        Go, and do thou likewise.

Not only is this a great parable illustrating who is your neighbor but also what compassion is. Here, and in other records in the Word, the person with compassion saw the afflicted. Three people saw the wounded man here. Two of them, the priest and the Levite, both saw him and went out of their way to cross on the other side. For whatever reason their lives could not be interrupted by this man's life. But the Samaritan had compassion on him. Next we see that he got involved. This was not convenient, he was on a journey. This also cost the Samaritan time and money.

Jesus Christ always did the will of God and he had compassion on people and he got involved and healed them. To have compassion on someone will cost you. You will need to get involved, even if it is not convenient and it may cost you. But God will take care of you.

One of the most selfless healings that Jesus did is in Mark 1. Jesus knew God would take care of him and he knew God wanted this man delivered. This is the record of Jesus healing the man with leprosy. Leprosy is a chronic disease affecting the skin and nerves. Even though the disease itself doesn't cause body parts to fall off it compromises the immune system and the body becomes susceptible to infection. The disease is disfiguring. The body's attempt to fight the infection leads to extensive tissue destruction and thus mutilation which gives the appearance of rot. At the time of Christ it was thought to be highly contagious and could be spread by just touching someone. People with the disease were banned to leper colonies and when they had to come into town they had to announce that they were a leper so people could have time to give them a lot of room. No one would touch a leper. They were social outcasts.

 Mark 1
:40 And there came a leper to him, beseeching him,
    and kneeling down to him,
    and saying unto him,
        If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
:41 And Jesus,
        moved with compassion,
        put forth his hand,
        and touched him,
        and saith unto him,
            I will; be thou clean.
:42 And as soon as he had spoken,
    immediately the leprosy departed from him,
    and he was cleansed.

Jesus Christ touched the leper . The word touched is the Greek word haptoma meaning "to fasten one's self to, adhere to, cling to" according to Strongs Hebrew and Greek Dictionary. Jesus Christ did the unthinkable, he took hold of this man. The compassion that he had for this man surpassed the social stigma that leprosy carried.

Do you lack compassion for people? Are you too busy with your life, too engrossed in your stuff, to be bothered to help your neighbor? Do you want to bring deliverance to God's people? Do you want to see God glorified in people's lives. Come to God and ask for assistance. I can of my own self do nothing but God in Christ in me can do everything. Spiritually you are capable; put away the old man's reasonings and fears and walk in the spirit. God is in you, closer than your very breath.